Tuesday 19 August 2014

Vegan carb free shepherds pie

For the mash:
4 large carrots
1 swede
Lemon and tyme seasoning

For the filling:
1 bell pepper
1 can of peas
1 onion
1 courgette
1 cup of mushrooms
1 cup of vegan mince
Shepherds pie seasoning mix/gravy

Chop carrots and swede into small chunks and bring to the boil. In another pan heat up with a small amount of oil and seasoning, dice the onions and add to the pan with mince to brown, once brown add all veg, chopped into roughly the same chunks. Add the shepherds pie mix/gravey to the veg and mince and leave to simmer for about 20 minutes. Once carrots and swede are soft, drain, add lemon and tyme seasoning and mash. Pour filling into a deep dish and layer on the mash, place in the oven on a medium heat for a further 20 minutes

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