Monday 30 June 2014 cream review

I was introduced to arbonne in February, I loved the fact the products were not only vegan but great for your health, not just your look! The products have no hidden nasties and packed full of stuff thats great for your skin. I had already noticed what an amazing difference changing my diet to vegan had made on my health well being and skin, made sense to take it through to my daily beauty regime. In this picture I am wearing the Arbonne Intelligence CC cream in light. I start off with applying my Arbonne FC5 nurturing day lotion which contains SPF 20 then apply the CC cream all over just like a moisturiser with my fingertips. It has a great coverage but still very light, and its super blendable as il apply more over a blemish or dark circles. I just love the fresh faced look it gives and the feel I have no more on than a moisturiser, this is now my day to day got to!

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